Matt Schmitt

An SEO-Specialist who loves digital marketing and has a background in creating content. Matt loves teamwork and enjoys working with professional people. He always tries to bring more things to the team.

VPS Minecraft Hosting [Best Minecraft VPS Hosting in 2022]

minecraft vps

If you’re into E-sports, you definitely have heard of Minecraft! With an active user community bigger than the population of Germany and France combined (130 million), Minecraft shapes the future of online gaming. To so many gamers, winning on Minecraft means more than just winning a simple game; it’s gaining a reputation in their community. …

VPS Minecraft Hosting [Best Minecraft VPS Hosting in 2022] Read More »

How to install IIS on Windows 10?|Complete Guide to Windows 10’s Required IIS Components🏆

How to install iis on windows versions

No matter which version of Windows you’re using, this article gives you a complete and step-by-step guideline on how to install IIS on Windows 10 and other platforms such as Windows server 2019, 2012, and 2012. Microsoft has hit the tech market with its excellent IIS service, which has topped all the rivals and been …

How to install IIS on Windows 10?|Complete Guide to Windows 10’s Required IIS Components🏆 Read More »

How to Install Linux Bash on Windows 10 [Complete Tutorial]

installing bash on windows 10

Bash, originally built for Linux, is an interpreter that processes shell commands. A shell, also known as Command-Line, takes commands in plain text format and calls operating system services to perform a task. With the existence of built-in PowerShell on Windows 10, you may wonder why we need to install Linux Bash on windows 10 …

How to Install Linux Bash on Windows 10 [Complete Tutorial] Read More »

What is htaccess File? | The Ultimate Guide To The .htaccess File & How To Use It

what is .htaccess file

Apache is the webserver of choice for a majority of websites, and it owes that partly to its extremely customizable nature. You can change almost anything about Apache and how it does things, and that means more control over your website. One of the easier methods for changing the behavior of Apache is the so-called …

What is htaccess File? | The Ultimate Guide To The .htaccess File & How To Use It Read More »